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> Tohoku Pottery > Others-Tohoku > Tsutsumi-Yaki (Miyagi) Kenba-Gama Japanese sake cup (guinomi) 1TUT0020

Tsutsumi-Yaki (Miyagi) Kenba-Gama Japanese sake cup (guinomi) 1TUT0020
A beautiful sake cup applied with traditional 'Namako-Yu' (or sea cucumber glaze), which is a variation of the iron glaze ! !
Free Shipping !! ** Tsutsumi-Yaki (Miyagi) is traditional pottery governed by the Sendai-clan, dated back to the Edo Shogunate period.Tsutsumi-Yaki (Miyagi) is traditional pottery governed by the Sendai-clan, dated back to the Edo Shogunate period.. |