Japanese specialy
What's new
2025/03/18New sake cups of traditional Seto-Yaki (Aichi), Iga-Yaki (Mie) and Kasama-Yaki (Ibaraki) are posted to the shop
2025/03/10New sake cups of traditional Shigaraki-Yaki (Shiga) and Izushi-Yaki (Hyogo)are posted to the shop
2025/02/28New sake cups of traditional Tsugarukanayama-Yaki (Aomori) are posted to the shop
The most blissful moment
Hand-made Sakeware Listing         
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[1 - 48] of [467] (Price in piece) Next>
photo Mumyoi-Yaki (Niigata) Gyokudo-Gama Pottery Sake cup  3MUM0069
Mumyoi-Yaki (Niigata) Gyokudo-Gama Pottery Sake cup 3MUM0069
A beautifully gra...
104.00 USD
Sold Out!
photo Akahada-Yaki (Nara) Masando-Gama Pottery Sake cup 5AKA0044
Akahada-Yaki (Nara) Masando-Gama Pottery Sake cup 5AKA0044
A whitish gray sa...
111.00 USD
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photo Mashiko-Yaki (Tochigi) Fumiya Mukoyama Pottery Sake cup  2MAS0102
Mashiko-Yaki (Tochigi) Fumiya Mukoyama Pottery Sake cup 2MAS0102
A progressive sak...
116.00 USD
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photo Tokobo-Hide (Tochigi) Pottery Sake Cup 2KAN0015
Tokobo-Hide (Tochigi) Pottery Sake Cup 2KAN0015
A stand-up sake c...
100.00 USD
photo Koisago-Yaki (Tochigi) Fujita-Seitojyo Pottery Sake cup 2KOI0022
Koisago-Yaki (Tochigi) Fujita-Seitojyo Pottery Sake cup 2KOI0022
A beautiful sake ...
109.00 USD
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photo Echizen-Yaki (Fukui) Yawaragi-Kobo Pottery Sake cup  3ECH0094
Echizen-Yaki (Fukui) Yawaragi-Kobo Pottery Sake cup 3ECH0094
A 'Kin-chirashi' ...
109.00 USD
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photo Kasama-Yaki (Ibaraki) Soichi Kawaguchi Pottery Sake cup  2KAS0089
Kasama-Yaki (Ibaraki) Soichi Kawaguchi Pottery Sake cup 2KAS0089
A solid-looking s...
114.00 USD
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photo Kasama-Yaki (Ibaraki) Tanno Tobo Pottery Sake cup 2KAS0082
Kasama-Yaki (Ibaraki) Tanno Tobo Pottery Sake cup 2KAS0082
A calm-looking sa...
100.00 USD
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photo Kasama-Yaki (Ibaraki) Ryuji Hodaka Pottery Sake cup 2KAS0088
Kasama-Yaki (Ibaraki) Ryuji Hodaka Pottery Sake cup 2KAS0088
A mysterious-patt...
115.00 USD
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photo Tanba-Yaki (Hyogo) Satoru-Gama Pottery Sake cup 5TAN0168
Tanba-Yaki (Hyogo) Satoru-Gama Pottery Sake cup 5TAN0168
An everyday-use s...
95.00 USD
Sold Out!
[1 - 48] of [467] Next>